Time to get out of town, go to Niagara and live the good life!

I have some passes to give away for Niagara’s Wine & Herb event, sponsored by Niagara on the Lake wineries.~  During the month of May you can spend the weekend sampling wines and enjoying different herb-themed food pairing from 28 participating wineries. Fun and yum!

Touring passes can be used any of the event weekends: MAY 11-13, 18-20 or 25-27 from 11 to 5.
(However, I have to mail the pass to you so it might be better to plan for one of the last two weekends)

Other Wine & Herb touring passes can be purchased for $43 per person, plus applicable taxes at or by calling Tourism Niagara-on-the-Lake at 905.468.1950.

How can you win?
Reply to this post and tell me and the world what the hell you’ve learned from reading my blog, book or wine app!

I’ll email you back and get your contact info, then pop your pass in the mail. One per person.


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  • What have I learnt? Two things

    1) Like music, it’s about the mood. Sometimes you want Bach, sometimes you just want to rock out. So it goes with wine.
    2) In the same vein, wine is for fun. And fun means drinking and enjoying the vibe, not analyzing it to death.

  • Billy,

    Count me in for those passes to the Niagara Wine & Herb Fest! Gotta go this year. Why? Because you’ve taught us all to to enjoy life! to enjoy wine! and to enjoy the moment (especially when these all come together)!!! I hope to join you some day on one of your jaunts to the great wine regions of the world.


    Bill K

  • Like the other comments, the two critical things I’ve learned from guru-Billy is that wine should match the mood and that wine (buying it, drinking it, talking about it) should be fun.


  • I’ve learned that it is ok to love the wine I love and not have to worry about the “scores” that a wine receives. If it feels good to me, then I will drink it!

  • Hi, Billy and Kato!
    Please save the passes for another truly deserving soul; I’ve just been on a Niagara jaunt and loved every moment of it!

    Still, I couldn’t pass up the chance to respond to your question. What have I learned? Well, considering all the dog-eared pages and scribbled margin notes in my last 4 editions of Billy’s Best, I hope that I’ve picked up a tip or two! But here’s the rub: turns out that it isn’t wine knowledge that’s most important after all. It’s wine feel.

    Your books have given me something far more valuable than a short list of “good” wines. They’ve given me the confidence to chart my own course, to look beyond the “nice stuff” to find some real hidden treasures. Turns out that the road less travelled is truly an exhilarating ride!

    Thanks again for the compass.

  • This could be timely! We are headed to Niagara for the weekend of the 25th – planning a great food and wine weekend and a visit with Grimsby castle alumni! and would love to add this event into the mix!

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