MORE THAN EVER we need to make time to play, and not worry. Learn a few design and painting fundamentals from Kato ““ disguised as “˜play’. Get out of your head and give yourself a break. Learning will never be this much fun. Complete beginners welcome. All ages. Even dad’s and their kids! Classes will use ZOOM platform (info upon signing up).
JUNE 22 from 2:00 to 3:30
Design fundamentals, line, shape, colour, value, form, texture, and space, form the structure for visual art. Compositional elements, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity/variety, focus and proportion, are manipulated and intertwined to express personal viewpoint and artistic license. Instead of falling into the abyss of bad composition, learn what to look out for, and make better design decisions.
charcoal, water soluable graphite, black crayons, oil pastels, markers….anything that will make a black mark!!