Nicest Summer White

ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR NICEST SUMMER WHITE IN THE WORLD (Yes… still celebrating ‘summer’) Symphony is a Calif clone of Muscat so expect a wine…

A Different Chardonnay

The experience of Sauvignon Blanc is so entrenched in our expectations from NZ whites that it’s hard to imagine other experiences. Which is not…

Classy White

NYARAI is the virtual winery of Steve Byfield, who’s very skilled at creating small batch wines at rented spaces ““ in this case at…

Perfect Summer Red

There’s a very good new Valpolicella (light red) on the shelves from a producer called Sartori that’s got the classic frank fruitiness and refreshing…

Wilder than the Rhone

Fans of Chapoutier’s “˜Rasteau’ Rhone will be glad to see another of his reds. This Roussillon wine feels like the rustic, country cousin ““…

Another Side of Viognier

The Viognier grape usually produces a rather pretty, semi rich, semi-expensive wines, but here’s a dandy, everyday edition. Refreshingly bone dry, mildly flavoured and…

Cotes du Rhone (again)

Could there be a more perfect, medium-bodied red?! Think bistro context ““ any rustic, hearty food ““ with lashings of this wine. Bring it…