Perfect BBQ Red


Beefy BBQs call for a hefty red such as Argentinian Malbec or Chilean Cabernet. But what else might work, and can you get generous flavours without excessive richness? Valpolicella to the rescue. I just had a bottle of Pasqua’s Ripasso-style wine that satisfied on so many levels that I cannot wait to buy a few more. While it had nourishing richness it also had delicious bright flavours and a refreshing, lively feeling. Expect to also experience some of the charm of Pinot and the mellowness of Merlot. Expect a lot of experiences. Needless to say the price is also appealing.

PASQUA 09 Passimento, Veneto, Italy 141952 $11.95

P.S. I have a new wine rule and that is to have at least one Italian red each month. Just to be reminded that wine can still contain a little mystery. Foreign movies over American blockbusters.

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