Bom Ano Novo!

NYE in Tavira was another fine example of a collective experience that worked. Sure, there were lots of restaurants offering over-the-top dinners with matching prices, along with other more modest restaurant and social affairs, but wherever the night took you, it ended being at, or at least acknowledging, the fireworks at the river Gilao.The overall impulse of the night – as I saw it – was about ushering in the new year as a community. Another thumbs up for my Portuguese life.

The stage was erected a few days prior, sound and lighting checks were completed, garbage cans were emptied, and the main street was open only for pedestrian traffic…all adding layers to the anticipation! An estimated crowd of 10,000 gathered by the river, and by 11:30pm spots were claimed. The weather cooperated – no rain and a pleasant enough temperature. Fireworks against the clear night sky began at midnight. This year the fireworks’ ‘bangs’ were adjusted (or removed) to be more sympathetic to animals – dogs especially. (And not being a fan of loud noises, I appreciated it.) All ages came out – little ones carried in arms, excited children running around, teens in groups, friends and old folks gathered together. It wasn’t uncommon to see a bottle of wine or beer drunk and shared with friends.

The band played after the fireworks and those that wanted to dance did. There was an odd juxtaposition of a peaceful but excited vibe. A controlled party. Optimistic, hopeful, loving, and excitement to usher in a another year in wonderful Tavira.

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