For the Beef!

For the Beef!

SEMI-RICH, CLASSY RED ““ for the beef The Douro is bone dry, manly and a dead ringer for Bordeaux. The assured, confidence of old…

French Classic Bistro Red

French Classic Bistro Red

RUSTIC RED ““ classic bistro Bellevue delivers a firm, workingman’s handshake. Dusty dry, rustic and delightfully old-fashioned ““ forget fruitiness, this tastes of the…

Sunday Supper Red

Sunday Supper Red

LIGHT RED ““ Sunday supper Grange Cochard is the most earthy Beaujolais I’ve tasted in ages. Bone dry, mouth puckering, and with energy to…

Holy Coronas!

Holy Coronas!

HOLY CORONAS ““ NOW TWO DOLLARS OFF! Don’t miss the sale on this LCBO oldie-goldie. It’s medium-bodied with the appealing strawberryish flavor and silky…