I fell in love with the Torres winery many decades ago through its wonderful “˜bull’ wine Sangre de Toro. So much Spanish sunshine and charm at an everyday price. Over the years I’ve been seduced by other fantastic everyday reds, but Sangre is still my benchmark ““ my mentor when it comes to the “˜au natural’ feeling of a good everyday red. The good friend quality of realness and honesty.

More recently I’ve also been enjoying a Torres red in the “˜something special’ category ““ a Cabernet called “˜Gran Coronas’. Warm climate richness combined with a seductive spiciness. Think “˜feel good’ red for moments of nourishment ““ good friends at the table, and beef on your plate. This is go-to wine option that should be in everyone’s repertoire. It’s currently on sale at the LCBO so get acquainted.

Torres is family owned and operated (located just south of Barcelona), and was one of the world’s first wineries to entertain~  sustainable agriculture~ and energy conservation. Last week I fulfilled my ambition of visiting the winery and had the pleasure of meeting Miguel Junior and the vivacious Anna Manchón Montserrat, who used to be their wine ambassador in Toronto. Each generation of Torres family has been focused on the best hand-off to the next ““ doing it right for the family. While Miguel Senior gained world acclaim with French varietals such as Chardonnay and Cabernet (legendary Mas la Plana once topped the best of Bordeaux ““ including Ch Latour, at a tasting in Paris). Miguel Junior is tuned into the future market for estate wines and has acquired vineyards in Spain’s other regions such as Priorat, Ribera del Deuro and Rioja. And in Chile of course. Everything about Torres smacks of good planning, creativity and respect for the land. Considerations that add an extra ounce of pleasure to each glass.

P.S. I’ll keep you posted as these estate wines arrive through Vintages. ~ 

TORRES 13 Garnacha “˜Sangre de Toro’ Catalunya, Spain 6585 $12.95
TORRES 12 Cabernet Sauvignon “˜Gran Coronas’, Catalunya, Spain 36483 $19.95 ($17.95 till April 23)

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  • We found this wine 5 or 6 years ago in one of your wine guidebooks and it has been our house red ever since. No one has ever said they don’t enjoy it and most love it much as us.
    So, thank you Billy, for solving the problem of choosing a red wine that goes with….
    Keep doing what you do. I wish I had your job.

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