Wine Picks

Please try and have these wines in the recommended context. Wine pleasure is about a match of wine and mood.

Wine Tip No.1


TAKE A MOMENT BEFORE POPPING THE CORK I may be wrong, but I’m thinking you do not need a ton of wine buying recommendations…

Steady Sauvignon Award


I’m starting the year with a shout out to an LCBO steady performer. For about six seasons now Francois Lurton’s Sauvignon Blanc has delivered…

Attention Chianti Lovers


Chianti prices have gotten out of hand, and the style has drifted too close to New World. But here’s a gem. The earthy/rustic character…

Champagne SALE!


I may have to change my mind, and buy Champagne. Nicolas Feuillatte has always been more “˜reasonably priced’ than most, while offering the perfect…