Aenean imperdiet cursus volutpat
Curabitur in nibh eu urna blandit volutpat ut dignissim nisl. Phasellus a scelerisque neque. In et hendrerit nunc. Pellentesque dui massa, cursus nec volutpat…
Celebrating Spain
Why not join the celebrations in Madrid as the Spanish celebrate their third major football trophy. Codorniu’s wine is not only bubbly, festive and…
Breaking Bread
Bread is probably my second favourite food (sourdough fermentation!) and I recently had an orgasmic shopping morning thanks to the good folks of Burdan’s…
Sir Terrance & I
I have always admired the work of British designer/restaurateur Terrance Conran so you can imagine my delight at seeing our books side by side….
Wine for the Non-Drinker
No, I don’t need to remind you to stock up on Perrier for teetotalers and DDs, but you may also want to consider the…
A Few Bubbles
Sparkling wine is an all-season drink for most of us but for some strange reason a few of our fellow mankind have difficulty popping…
Last Call for the Beach!
WHY NOT COMBINE LCBO SHOPPING WITH LAST CALL FOR THE BEACH? While everyone is at the malls here’s your chance for one final afternoon…
Pinot: The Perfect Holiday Red
NEWS FLASH! PINOT IS THE PERFECT HOLIDAY RED As the Holidays are traditionally celebrated with white meats, ham or fish it’s best to set…