It’s Not A Bat

PeleeGAMAYPelee’s Night Glider would never win a crowd favourite competition, but it is reassuring to know that “˜unusual’ wines can have a strong following. Not everyone wants rich “˜n smooth. Did all you marketing experts hear that!

This Gamay/Zweigelt blend could loosely be described as a Beaujolais’ country cousin. A lightish, refresher with some country barn feeling. A bit “˜wild’, and that’s its appeal. Don’t freak out on your first sip. Give it a chance, and I’m sure you’ll find it to be a perfect burger wash-down, or even better partner for the family of white of white meats, or pizza. Lightly chill.

Many refer to this as the “˜bat’ wine, but the creature on the label is actually a Southern Flying Squirrel. So now you know!

PELEE ISLAND 13 Gamay/Zweigelt “˜Night Glider’ VQA Ontario 216028
Was $13.45 now on sale until April 26! $1.50 OFF

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