Wine Picks

Please try and have these wines in the recommended context. Wine pleasure is about a match of wine and mood.

Fuzion is Getting Confuzion


The Fuzion brand is expanding into slightly higher price territory. And why not? Any one familiar with the producer Familia Zuccardi knows that this…

Olympic Watching Wines #2


Time to Celebrate!! Now that we’re into the medals it’s time for serious celebration with some bubbly in the fridge.~  While the western wineries…

Happy Valentines


A wine critic named Tudor tells a author named Darling that her book ‘Orgasmic Appetizers and Matching Wines’ has too much reference to sex!…

Undressing in Winter


My pet peeve of the season: People who enter bars and restaurants and don’t take off their winter coats/hats, etc. For me, the cozy…