While Italy is the home of Pinot Grigio, almost every region is now offering a version of this popular grape variety. Below is a snapshot of what to expect from PGs produced in other climates. All different, but true to the PGs simplicity. Worth exploring, even if that’s a bit out of character for PG drinkers.

Graffigna is fuller and more flavourful than its Italian cousins. A very tasty medium-bodied wine that would fit nicely ““ and delight most, in any drinking situation. Reasonable price too.

GRAFFIGNA 16 Pinot Grigio, Argentina 164756 $12.95


I love the zingy, almost spritzy feeling in Big House. So alive, refreshing and playful. A tad candied, so sure to be a huge hit for party sloshing.

BIG HOUSE 16 Pinot Grigio, California 237271 $11.95

Lindeman’s wine is a dead ringer for most of the Italian Pinot Grigios ““ tart, low-flavoured, and~  basic refreshment. Needs a big thirst.

LINDEMAN’S 16 Pinot Grigio “˜Bin 85′ Australia 668947 $11.10

Niagara’s Vieni is fab. Lovely delicate flavours with green apple zest ““ and a classy feeling. A bracing aperitif, or partner for seafood.

VIENI 16 Pinot Grigio, NSW, VQA Vinemount, Niagara 492322 $14.95


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