All in a Day’s Work

tastingOver the past few months I’ve tasted well over 1000 wines for my upcoming wine book ““ Billy’s Best Bottles Wines for 2011. This will be the 21st edition of this ‘Canadian Classic’, and I think it will be the BEST ever. Stay tuned for more info.

This past weekend I was fortunate to be a judge for the upcoming OTTAWA FOOD & WINE SHOW. Am planning on hosting a seminar on Friday November 5th. Details coming soon.

Ottawa was lots of fun ““ the company of my fellow judges, of course ““ and the Byward market area was vibrant. Upon arrival we hit the HIGHLANDER, and had some of the best pints of Guinness I can remember. Ultra-creamy and served at the perfect temperature. The Highlander’s scotch selection is second to none ““ world class ““ so be warned. We enjoyed a lovely night at MUST WINE BAR ““ and sampled every appetizer ““ before moving on to the newly opened swish SHORE CLUB.

Yep, all in a day’s work.

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