I’d like to recommend a white wine for anyone wishing to explore something different. To take a break from Mr Chardonnay, Miss Sauvignon, and Prince Pinot Grigio. Why not? A change is always good.

This South African wine offers something both delightful and different. It would be a real challenge in a blind tasting as there is no obvious grape varietal character. Shades of house wine at a French bistro were my first thoughts on tasting. Produced from a blend of French grapes, Viognier, Chenin Blanc, and Grenache Blanc, it feels more herbaceous than fruity.

The Mood for this wine: House wine for sure as it’s an excellent refresher, aperitif or partner for lighter food.

BOEKENHOUTSKLOOF 19 “˜The Wolftrap’, South Africa 292532 $13.95

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