2 NEW Sauv Blancs!


France pioneered Sauvignon with a razor edged, herbaceous version. Then New Zealand stormed into the game with a more fruity, more comfortable edition, and more recently, Chile came up with an even more gulpable Sauvignon, that beat everyone on price. I’ve enjoyed gallons of all these editions, but in my books South Africa offers the best bang-for-the-buck with this grape variety. Especially if you are a fan of the edgy and herbaceous French style. The “˜poor man’s Sancerre’ would be my description for the new LCBO arrival below.

New Zealand has been a bit of a premium option until the arrival of Te Henga. It will also appeal to fans of the razor-edged, herbaceous style. I’ve always enjoyed Babich wines, and now even more so at this price. Wonderful value.

The Mood for these wines: When needing a bolt of energy ““ to get things started ““ or maybe you’re looking for an early hit of Spring. And for supper, may I suggest a crab cake or two. Cannot wait for the local asparagus season.

I MBUKA WINES “˜the Fishwives Club’ 20 Sauvignon Blanc, South Africa 15943 $11.95

BABICH “˜TE HENGA’ 20 Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand~  10718 $12.95

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