My Morning Saunters

I’m a stroller. It’s different from a walker or a hiker – I’m not thinking destination or exercise. My strolling has a simpler purpose – to socialize with my surroundings. To see, feel, imagine and connect with Tavira where we live, where I call home. On the surface, my strolling may appear a waste of time because nothing tangible is achieved. I assure you it is the very opposite. Let me tell you about the joys of strolling, or ‘sauntering’ as Thoreau called it.

Early morning is the time slot for my stroll for a ton of reasons. The way that the sun lights the stage with highlights and shadows create short lived interesting and playful shapes. The dream of painters. Even overly pretty gardens become charged with mystery. But lighting is just the start of my noticing. The surface stuff.

Real connection with a place comes slowly, and can only happen in the quiet of the morning, before daily business takes over. Sidewalks and streets are open to me as I search for the perfect view, or to peek over a wall or through a half open garden door. Tavira has many hidden private gardens. Alternating cobblestone with asphalt keeps my feet happy. Gradually, images lead to feelings, and the town and I start to engage. I listen to what it says, slowing down or stopping to notice something. I move on when there’s a lull in the conversation. Towns have personalities just like us. They can even be moody and unhappy when inhabitants are not caring or disinterested. Or when there’s repairs. Such as this year when our streets were dug-up for new water pipes. While most inhabitants think that it’s just their lives that are disrupted, the town is also put-out – you could feel its sadness.

Getting to know old European towns can take a lifetime. One block alone can hold your interest for ages. The more you look the more you see, just as with art. Whereas modern towns need constant new paint, old ones improve when left alone because of the quality of the original materials and design. I’m not necessarily looking for showpieces, perfection or the predictable sights on Google, but the small things – as I may be their only fan. My engagement is part imagination, part fantasy – especially with the run-down buildings I want to restore and return to their former majesty. What fun! I’ve already completed dozens. Even have drawings to show you.

Strolling experiences are fleeting. Difficult to describe or to photograph, but I have added a few here. To add local colour, I should tell you that Tavira’s layout could be likened to a mini-Paris. Less grand of course, but there is a river creating two halves, both of which feature many pretty churches on gentle hills. Windy, circular roads mean you never need to return the way you went, unless you’re a ‘same old way’ walker. Tavira is a dear friend that I visit every day. She gives me great pleasure and asks for little in return. Just that I show up and notice. I love you, my morning friend.


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